Truth #5 Only You Know The Answer
I was reminded by a client turned friend about My Truth #5. She asked gently, "When are you writing your truth #5?". I felt so touched that someone is closely following my blog. I was even more touched when she shared how some of the insights shared in my blog had transformed her life!
Thank you, my Angel, for your loving encouragement! You know who you are! :)
Yes, only you know the answer!
When I work with people or even during my social interaction with others, I love to ask questions, questions that lead them inward, within themselves. Since we all only have 24hours a day, I prefer to spend those waking hours connecting with people on the heart level. Too many of us are living our lives with our heads and it's high time now to live from our hearts!
I was brought up believing that the adults have the answers, that I have to seek the answers out there in the world, from other more successful people, from teachers, from masters, from the wise ones. I was taught to keep my opinions to myself, as they are immature, naive, may become a laughing stock if it's proved wrong or unworkable. I learned to live my life around other people's opinions.
Result - I felt so empty within as I had lost myself!
Who am I? I am who others said I am.
But, really, who am I?
This question brought me deeper and deeper within myself. I learned to observe myself, just like how I observed others. As the days went by, the concept of me became clearer and clearer. I started to realize the answer had been with me all these while. When I had doubts about myself, I covered ME with a smoke screen and I denied myself. When I gave myself space to express ME without judgment, I felt happier and lighter. I noticed that I kept oscillating between denying Me and expressing Me, between feeling dejected and feeling happy. This oscillation continued for weeks, months and years, though I noticed the frequency reduced tremendously in recent weeks and days.
I learned to love me as whom I am. Regardless of what others told me, I now know "Only I Know The Answer". I check into my feelings and I choose to trust my feelings. I honor my feelings and give myself space to express the ME. This has totally reformed the way I look at life!
Now, when people come to me looking for answers, I gently showed them back to themselves. "Only You Know The Answer!" has since become my motto in life. You are your own Master. Do not allow others to become Masters of your life. Do not give your right away to others. There is no shortcut in life! You have to live it, fully experience it and be the Master of Your Life!
What have helped me through all those times of self doubt and denial? Besides a bunch of caring and loving friends, I have My Daily Meditation and My Breathwork! Using these two simple yet powerful techniques, I learned to Create the Peace within me and trust the Abundance within me. May I invite you to step onto the path of wisdom and the ultimate mastery of a vibrant life by increasing your awareness of your BREATH!
Love & Light
Gladys Lee
Breathworker/Intuitive Coach
Breathe Well, Live Well!
Step Onto The Path Of Wisdom And The Ultimate Mastery Of A Vibrant Life By Increasing Our Awareness Of Our Breath!
Friday, November 18, 2011
Monday, July 18, 2011
Truth #4 No Time & Space
If there is truly no time and space, then all forms of activities and events shall collapse and happen simultaneously. The past, the present and the future are all happening now. Our conscious mind can only comprehend one thing at a time. I can either feel my hand holding a piece of cloth or feel the smoothness of the cloth, but not both at the same time. I can only live my past or my present or my future now, but not all at the same time, though they are all happening at the same moment.
This is a very difficult concept. I did not get it until I saw a movie called "Cube" that illustrated this concept clearly. Though I need to warn you that the movie is very gruesome, so if you intend to watch it, please be prepared.
When time collapses, what will happen in the future is not as important anymore. The future is happening anyway at the same moment. What left is the present moment that I am in. I am only alive in the present moment, hence, I live for now.
Life becomes so simple when we focus on living the present moment!
This brings me to the next concept of "Choice". Only in the present moment, do we have a choice. Whatever choice we make, it shall impact the future. Hence, the only way to change the future is to change NOW. Many people wish that their future will be different, however, they are not willing to change now. They say things like, "Once I am rich, I will be happy!", "Once I meet the guy I love, I will share my love.", "Once I leave this marriage, I will have lesser problems.", etc. They are dependent on a future event to feel happy. Many a times, either the future never arrives or even if it happens, they will still not be happy as nothing has changed.
This Change is a fundamental realization of life! It is more than just an action, a change of clothes, a removal of some obstacles or an acquiring of world's wealth. It is an awakening of the eternal Self in a present moment without time and space!
I live my life one moment by one moment.
Love & Light
Gladys Lee
Breathworker/Intuitive Coach
Breathe Well, Live Well!
This is a very difficult concept. I did not get it until I saw a movie called "Cube" that illustrated this concept clearly. Though I need to warn you that the movie is very gruesome, so if you intend to watch it, please be prepared.
When time collapses, what will happen in the future is not as important anymore. The future is happening anyway at the same moment. What left is the present moment that I am in. I am only alive in the present moment, hence, I live for now.
Life becomes so simple when we focus on living the present moment!
This brings me to the next concept of "Choice". Only in the present moment, do we have a choice. Whatever choice we make, it shall impact the future. Hence, the only way to change the future is to change NOW. Many people wish that their future will be different, however, they are not willing to change now. They say things like, "Once I am rich, I will be happy!", "Once I meet the guy I love, I will share my love.", "Once I leave this marriage, I will have lesser problems.", etc. They are dependent on a future event to feel happy. Many a times, either the future never arrives or even if it happens, they will still not be happy as nothing has changed.
This Change is a fundamental realization of life! It is more than just an action, a change of clothes, a removal of some obstacles or an acquiring of world's wealth. It is an awakening of the eternal Self in a present moment without time and space!
I live my life one moment by one moment.
Love & Light
Gladys Lee
Breathworker/Intuitive Coach
Breathe Well, Live Well!
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Truth #3 Sustainability
Sustainability is the capacity to support, to provide for, to maintain, to keep up, to prolong; to support the life of.
For humans, sustainability is the potential for long-term maintenance of well being, which has environmental, economic, and social dimensions.
So, what does sustainability mean to me?
I was not wise enough to learn this lesson till lately. Being faced with the tight financial situation, I challenged myself to live on just basic necessities. Miraculously, the Great Divine sent me many living examples of sustainability.
Firstly, I found a salon near my place where the charges for hair cut was just $4.80. As usual, I was skeptical. How good can it be when it's only $4.80? To my pleasant surprise, the hair stylist who did my hair and my daughter's hair had so much passion in his work that he not just cut our hair, he styled them as if we were going for an outing after the haircut. If you think that this is just one small old salon in some "ulu" place, you are wrong! It's a modern chain store with more than 10 outlets island wide!
This set me off thinking, what if all businesses operate on this basis, isn't this a sustainable business model not just for the business owners but for the consumers as a whole as well? All profits at the end of the day have to come from somewhere. This somewhere ultimately is the Consumer, you and I! As a consumer, where do we get this "affordability" to pass on such profits to businesses? It comes from our pay. The higher our pay, the more profit we pass on to businesses and vice versa, the higher the prices of goods & services, the higher pay we demand. Isn't this a vicious cycle?
Please do not get me wrong. I do not advocate "cheap" businesses. All businesses must make profits to be sustainable. However, I do strongly advocate that all profits must be sustainable environmentally, economically and socially!
This brings me to my next living examples of sustainability.
"What is enough?" Is $4,000 a month pay enough? Or is $100,000 a month pay too much? I guess no human will say he has too much money. However, on a serious note, what is the impact on humanity when the pay disparity is so wide and vast?
We have all heard of many cases where a person built a legacy monetarily for the family just to be squandered away by future generations years down the road. What's in the mind of such youths when everything is provided for from the moment they are born?
I have heard this so many times, "The world is not lack of money, it is lack of love!". So, how then can we instill love if what many aspire to build is a legacy for his or her own family? What if there is a community where all come to support one and another on this life journey unreservedly and lovingly? Where the strong provide and give and the weak are being healed so that they can be strong again? Where the little ones are shown living examples of love and care for one another so that they can grow up to be loving and caring beings? Where the teachings are of abundance and not scarcity, of love and not fear?
If you feel that I'm being naive or idealistic, I would not blame you. If you feel that this is something you have been thinking of too, drop me a note at , I would really love to have friends and together we can make this dream comes true!
Together, we can all live in a sustainable, loving and abundance community!
Love & Light
Gladys Lee
Intuitive Coach
Breathe Well, Live Well!
For humans, sustainability is the potential for long-term maintenance of well being, which has environmental, economic, and social dimensions.
So, what does sustainability mean to me?
I was not wise enough to learn this lesson till lately. Being faced with the tight financial situation, I challenged myself to live on just basic necessities. Miraculously, the Great Divine sent me many living examples of sustainability.
Firstly, I found a salon near my place where the charges for hair cut was just $4.80. As usual, I was skeptical. How good can it be when it's only $4.80? To my pleasant surprise, the hair stylist who did my hair and my daughter's hair had so much passion in his work that he not just cut our hair, he styled them as if we were going for an outing after the haircut. If you think that this is just one small old salon in some "ulu" place, you are wrong! It's a modern chain store with more than 10 outlets island wide!
This set me off thinking, what if all businesses operate on this basis, isn't this a sustainable business model not just for the business owners but for the consumers as a whole as well? All profits at the end of the day have to come from somewhere. This somewhere ultimately is the Consumer, you and I! As a consumer, where do we get this "affordability" to pass on such profits to businesses? It comes from our pay. The higher our pay, the more profit we pass on to businesses and vice versa, the higher the prices of goods & services, the higher pay we demand. Isn't this a vicious cycle?
Please do not get me wrong. I do not advocate "cheap" businesses. All businesses must make profits to be sustainable. However, I do strongly advocate that all profits must be sustainable environmentally, economically and socially!
This brings me to my next living examples of sustainability.
"What is enough?" Is $4,000 a month pay enough? Or is $100,000 a month pay too much? I guess no human will say he has too much money. However, on a serious note, what is the impact on humanity when the pay disparity is so wide and vast?
We have all heard of many cases where a person built a legacy monetarily for the family just to be squandered away by future generations years down the road. What's in the mind of such youths when everything is provided for from the moment they are born?
I have heard this so many times, "The world is not lack of money, it is lack of love!". So, how then can we instill love if what many aspire to build is a legacy for his or her own family? What if there is a community where all come to support one and another on this life journey unreservedly and lovingly? Where the strong provide and give and the weak are being healed so that they can be strong again? Where the little ones are shown living examples of love and care for one another so that they can grow up to be loving and caring beings? Where the teachings are of abundance and not scarcity, of love and not fear?
If you feel that I'm being naive or idealistic, I would not blame you. If you feel that this is something you have been thinking of too, drop me a note at , I would really love to have friends and together we can make this dream comes true!
Together, we can all live in a sustainable, loving and abundance community!
Love & Light
Gladys Lee
Intuitive Coach
Breathe Well, Live Well!
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Truth #2 Oneness
So much has been said about oneness in the recent years. What is really oneness? Intellectually, I could accept oneness as we are all one. So we are not to harm one another, we are to love and see ourselves in others. We are to embrace the truth that we are all one on Mother Earth.
However, whatever learned intellectually, stayed in the head. The people I met, the events I experienced and the life I had were all a far cry from ONENESS! Why were there so much being shared as oneness, yet what I experienced were far from it?
What was missing?
There was just so much head knowledge. It was time to go within. Through Divine guidance, I was shown the way further into my heart. As I quiet my mind, I found myself in deep emptiness. I felt like water in a glass floating in a deep wide ocean. The ocean was huge. I was small compared to its vastness! How could I be with the ocean?
I was water, the ocean was water. What separated us was that glass! The "I" that defined ME! I was the good daughter, the hardworking employee, the serving wife, the loving mother, I was shy, I was quiet and whatever that defined ME as Who I Am. That was what that was holding me back!
I decided to discard the "I", the glass, and merged into the endless ocean. The feeling of oneness expanded. I became the ocean, the ocean became Me! The feeling was one no word could describe. However, how would I know I still exist in this vast deep ocean? I blobbed above the ocean, just like a water droplet jumping out of the sea. The moment I landed in the ocean, we became one again!
Then, came floating in the ocean were many water-bodies in various containers. Some in plastic bottles, some in glass bottles, and some in glasses just like the old me. I blobbed above the ocean, attempting to ask others to be free and be re-united with ONENESS. They gave me a look that said, "Yes, I know Oneness!" and floated away in the comfort of their "home".
This realization of oneness released me from my own imagined shackles! Walking out of the Self that once held me in, I was now more at ease with the SELF who expressed fully and unreservedly. Every day is anew and every moment too!
Another insight that came upon me was no one could force another to lose his "container", ie. Self, if he was neither ready nor willing to do so. By forcing one to lose his self, he would just be lost in that huge deep ocean, not knowing that he could blobbed himself above the ocean and experienced life as one self and yet in oneness!
May all who seek peace, joy and happiness be home in ONENESS!
However, whatever learned intellectually, stayed in the head. The people I met, the events I experienced and the life I had were all a far cry from ONENESS! Why were there so much being shared as oneness, yet what I experienced were far from it?
What was missing?
There was just so much head knowledge. It was time to go within. Through Divine guidance, I was shown the way further into my heart. As I quiet my mind, I found myself in deep emptiness. I felt like water in a glass floating in a deep wide ocean. The ocean was huge. I was small compared to its vastness! How could I be with the ocean?
I was water, the ocean was water. What separated us was that glass! The "I" that defined ME! I was the good daughter, the hardworking employee, the serving wife, the loving mother, I was shy, I was quiet and whatever that defined ME as Who I Am. That was what that was holding me back!
I decided to discard the "I", the glass, and merged into the endless ocean. The feeling of oneness expanded. I became the ocean, the ocean became Me! The feeling was one no word could describe. However, how would I know I still exist in this vast deep ocean? I blobbed above the ocean, just like a water droplet jumping out of the sea. The moment I landed in the ocean, we became one again!
Then, came floating in the ocean were many water-bodies in various containers. Some in plastic bottles, some in glass bottles, and some in glasses just like the old me. I blobbed above the ocean, attempting to ask others to be free and be re-united with ONENESS. They gave me a look that said, "Yes, I know Oneness!" and floated away in the comfort of their "home".
This realization of oneness released me from my own imagined shackles! Walking out of the Self that once held me in, I was now more at ease with the SELF who expressed fully and unreservedly. Every day is anew and every moment too!
Another insight that came upon me was no one could force another to lose his "container", ie. Self, if he was neither ready nor willing to do so. By forcing one to lose his self, he would just be lost in that huge deep ocean, not knowing that he could blobbed himself above the ocean and experienced life as one self and yet in oneness!
May all who seek peace, joy and happiness be home in ONENESS!
Love & Light
Monday, April 25, 2011
Truth #1 Only Love Is Real
"Love is the master key that opens the gates of happiness." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
Isn't it so? I've been looking for this key since as far back as I can recall.
As I was a slower learner as compared to my younger sister, I remembered the praises my dad sang of her all day long. In my attempt to gain my father's love, I strive to excel in my study. When I finally proved myself in Primary Three, coming in Top 3 in my class, my father's love still evaded me. How could I earn the right to that key?
Growing up, I was fascinated by the love one received on stage after delivering a powerful speech. Despite my shyness, I proudly put my name in for a speech contest when I was in Secondary One. After spending day and night memorizing the entire speech, my nerves took the better of me. I walked off the stage with no dignity, sentencing my voice to death after my mind played a nasty trick on me as it went completely blank once I was done with my opening statement! Love had once again evaded me. Was I not good enough for love?
These and many other experiences proved to me that I was only good enough to stay in the background, as my parents used to say, "Girls are to be seen, not to be heard!".
"Love makes your soul crawl out from its hiding place." - Zora Neale Hurston
Since I could not find the key, my soul was trapped in its hiding place for many years. Just like any normal people, I went through my life normally... finished my education, found jobs, worked hard, married and set up a family. I was like a frog in a well. My soul was trapped deep down in the well and I couldn't find the key!
Then with the birth of my child, love took a new dimension... it must have made my soul crawl out from its hiding place somehow! I found myself rediscovering my voice through the years as I struggled with anxiety, fear, anger, guilt, shame and depression. All my past understanding about love was put to test!
Test #1 Be a good girl/boy!
Thanks to my upbringing, I had always been a good girl. Since when? Probably after all the canings, if I could recall correctly. As my girl was growing up, "Be a Good girl" was my motto. When that was challenged, I found myself clutching the cane tightly in my hand with my whole body as hard as a rock as anger exploded in every single cell in my body. After the anger, came the tsunami of guilt! Hugging my crying angel to sleep, I was very determined that this shall be the last time that I am disciplining with anger.
As I watched myself playing the role of a mum and many other parents I encountered, I started to question the meaning of love when one said something like, "Be a good boy and behave!", or "Your sister is so good, why can't you just be like her?", or "Are you naughty or nice?", etc. What was the message to the little child? "If I don't behave, my parents will not love me.", "I am not as good as my sister.", "My parents love my sister more than me.", "If I'm naughty, I would not be loved.", fill in whatever thoughts that came into your mind when you were 2 to 7 years old.
To that little mind, Love is conditioned upon Being a Good girl/boy!
Test #2 Study hard, this is the safest route to success in life!
This advice had created many brilliant adults and it had also created many estranged families. I was told of too many unhappy stories where one mother went into depression because her child did not do well in examinations, a youth needing medication to sleep as he was overly stressed up with his studies, a father and son beat each other up and ended up in police station as the boy spent his time mixing around with inappropriate group of friends instead of studying, and many more.
Parents with all their purest intention wanted to give the best to their children. Would they stop and ask, "Is this the best way to educate my child and prepare my child for his/her future?"
What is education?
What does one need to learn in this world, in this life? When I challenged myself with these questions, I was humbled. I did have my university degree, I did study hard, am I successful in life? Not until I unlearned and relearned!
Learning comes when one experiences life and internalizes the lessons within oneself. As a person learns, he/she grows and expands! Are our children of this age truly learning or are they just memorizing for the sake of acing or passing examinations? I am not against any education system, do not get me wrong. There are children who strive and thrive in current education system. However, there are also those who were victimized by it.
To these growing up mind, Love is conditioned upon Good Grades or even Acing Exams!
For some adults, good grades is just not good enough!
With just the above 2 tests (there are many more), I found myself failing miserably in the understanding of LOVE. I wonder if there is an examination on LOVE, how will we score as an individual, an adult, a parent, a lover and humanity as a whole? As Helen Keller very well put it, "The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart."
So, in order for one to fully understand and appreciate LOVE, one must be willing to feel with the heart. Only love is real, everything else is a call for love! I would not have understood this without Breathwork and Meditation. Everything that I read about and heard about stayed in my head for many years. I thought I knew what love is. I thought I was a loving person. I thought I had been giving love unconditionally. All these crumbled when I started Breathwork! My heart was so blocked that I could not feel this best and most beautiful thing in this world! Not until I became a Breathworker and worked on myself for 2 full years! Along the way, I did have some glimpse of this mysterious thing called "Love". But, I could only fully understand and appreciate it after breathing and meditating for the past 2 years.
I love a question posed by Osho in one of his many books:-
Do you think Love has a problem with anything?
Sit with this, ruminate on it, sleep over it... what is your answer to it?
I would like to close this sharing with below quote:-
"The most desired gift of love is not diamonds or roses or chocolate.
It is focused attention." - Richard Warren
May you feel the love within your heart!
May you express your love unconditionally,
first to yourself, then to others!
Love & Light to All!
Monday, April 18, 2011
Living In Truth
Lately, the stuck energy had shifted from my chest to my throat. No matter how deep I breathe, the breath just stopped at the throat area. I felt suffocated and breathless. How could this be? I was breathing deeply!
I turned to Louise Hay's Book "Love Your Body". It said "I Love My Voice"! What was it that I am not voicing up? The question opened up the airway. The breath finally got to my chest. My Truth... My Personal Truth...
What is my personal truth? As the word goes, it is personal. Meaning, My Truth need not be Your Truth! Can you hear a sigh of relief?! All the courses that we attended, all the books that we read, all the audios that we listened, where have they brought you? Are you following Your Truth or Other People's Truth?
From a young age, I was told to study hard, get a job, work hard, raise my own family, be a good wife, be a good mother, the list went on and on... As I was growing up, I started to question what I had learned thus far. I read books, I attended courses, I listened to audio tapes, I watched what other rich and successful people did, I researched on yogis, self-made millionaires and billionaires...
I incorporated what I learned. I modeled after my "idols", "masters", "teachers","gurus"... yet what made them successful did no magic on me. What happened here? Am I so unteachable or uncoachable? As I watched the Successfuls being more successful, I saw myself slipping behind. More courses, more books, more audio tapes, more... & more...
Am I the only one failing so miserably? Is success out of my reach? Is my life meant to be in misery?
The more I psychic myself up, put up a strong front, dare the unreachable, the deeper into the rabbit hole I sank! What is not working on me?... I thought.
That thought brought me deeper and deeper into ME... As a Breathworker, I breathed... I meditated... As days went by, my mind got quieter and quieter. The Universe started to bring me new material... new people... new me...
In the Silence of My Mind, My Truth evolved!
All these while, I had been working outside of ME. Looking at others, I mirrored their truth. What worked for them should work for me... I reckoned. How foolish was I? I had been living in the world of others, working so hard to make me be them! They must be right... I must be wrong... How could they be wrong? They are soooosuccessful! (Now on the hindsight, I can laugh at this thought! :D)
In the Quieting of My Mind, My World evolved!
I remembered that I am whole and complete! I recalled that I am here to live my life! If it is my life, then I shall live it on my terms and conditions. I allowed me to be ME! In the beginning, my mind went... Oh, that was ugly, you couldn't do that. Oh, that was not right, you shouldn't think about that. Oh, you horrible, how could you say that. I continued to breathe and meditate and went through my days living My Life!
In the Mastering of My Mind, I honored My Truth!
Remember, these are My Truth not yours. You need not burden yourself with my truth. You have yours to live.
I have summed up My Truth into 5 pointers and I would cover them one at a time in my next few postings.
#1 Only Love Is Real
#2 Oneness
#3 Sustainability
#4 No Time & Space
#5 Only You Know The Answer
I hope in the sharing of my life experiences, I have shed some light on your path. I wish that this sharing has evoked some thoughts in your mind and heart that bring you a new level of understanding of your truth! May you find peace within yourself and the strength to live your truth.
Much Love & Light
Friday, April 15, 2011
Feed On Me
“Feed On Me”, Mother Earth said.
“But how?”, I asked.
My heart felt heavy with all the news I saw, the things I heard and the events I sensed. With each breath I took, it mingled at my chest longer than the breath before. The heaviness I felt intensified as I watched my breath. “Why am I feeling this way?”, I asked. There was just… SILENCE.
If you have been feeling congestion at your chest or aching at your heart lately, you may have just experienced what I felt as described above. Take a few moments to listen in and hear your heart. Is there a message for you?
Sit quietly by yourself, watch your breath flowing in and out and listened with your heart. As you breathe in, visualize yourself being connected to Mother Earth, just like a tall, strong tree with roots running deep into the soil beneath you. Tell yourself, “I’m willing to let go… I’m willing to release…”, then feel the energy flowing from your body, through your feet into Mother Earth. Allow the energy to flow. There is no necessity to know what you are releasing. Just like when you are discarding your garbage, there is no necessity to look through all your garbage before disposing them into the rubbish bin!
There will come a time when you feel that you are done with all the discharging. Then ask Mother Earth to fill you up with all Her nourishment! Feel the fresh and light energy flowing through your feet into your body, and filling up every single cell in your body. Continue to breathe and feel. The love of Mother Earth will start to warm your heart and cuddle it up with care! Feel the softening around your heart and the expansion of your chest. Gone are all the tightness and aches! Welcome the freshness of your Breath!
Thank Mother Earth for discharging and recharging you daily! She loves all her children alike, you are no different. Connect with Her, Feed on Her Love!
“Feed On Me”, Mother Earth said.
“Thank You, Mother Earth for all your Love!”, I prayed.
Introducing Mastering The Breath

Mastering The Breath... is Mastering Life!
Through the use of our breath, we guide you through 2 simple yet important techniques to begin your Path of Wisdom and Self Discovery. These are Breathwork and Meditation.
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Love & Light ,
Mastering The Breath Team
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