Friday, November 18, 2011

Truth #5 Only You Know The Answer

I was reminded by a client turned friend about My Truth #5. She asked gently, "When are you writing your truth #5?". I felt so touched that someone is closely following my blog. I was even more touched when she shared how some of the insights shared in my blog had transformed her life!

Thank you, my Angel, for your loving encouragement! You know who you are! :)

Yes, only you know the answer!

When I work with people or even during my social interaction with others, I love to ask questions, questions that lead them inward, within themselves. Since we all only have 24hours a day, I prefer to spend those waking hours connecting with people on the heart level. Too many of us are living our lives with our heads and it's high time now to live from our hearts!

I was brought up believing that the adults have the answers, that I have to seek the answers out there in the world, from other more successful people, from teachers, from masters, from the wise ones. I was taught to keep my opinions to myself, as they are immature, naive, may become a laughing stock if it's proved wrong or unworkable. I learned to live my life around other people's opinions.

Result - I felt so empty within as I had lost myself!
Who am I? I am who others said I am.
But, really, who am I?

This question brought me deeper and deeper within myself. I learned to observe myself, just like how I observed others. As the days went by, the concept of me became clearer and clearer. I started to realize the answer had been with me all these while. When I had doubts about myself, I covered ME with a smoke screen and I denied myself. When I gave myself space to express ME without judgment, I felt happier and lighter. I noticed that I kept oscillating between denying Me and expressing Me, between feeling dejected and feeling happy. This oscillation continued for weeks, months and years, though I noticed the frequency reduced tremendously in recent weeks and days.

I learned to love me as whom I am. Regardless of what others told me, I now know "Only I Know The Answer". I check into my feelings and I choose to trust my feelings. I honor my feelings and give myself space to express the ME. This has totally reformed the way I look at life!

Now, when people come to me looking for answers, I gently showed them back to themselves. "Only You Know The Answer!" has since become my motto in life. You are your own Master. Do not allow others to become Masters of your life. Do not give your right away to others. There is no shortcut in life! You have to live it, fully experience it and be the Master of Your Life!

What have helped me through all those times of self doubt and denial? Besides a bunch of caring and loving friends, I have My Daily Meditation and My Breathwork! Using these two simple yet powerful techniques, I learned to Create the Peace within me and trust the Abundance within me. May I invite you to step onto the path of wisdom and the ultimate mastery of a vibrant life by increasing your awareness of your BREATH!

Love & Light

Gladys Lee
Breathworker/Intuitive Coach

Breathe Well, Live Well!

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