Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Did You LOVE Enough?

"When you die, God is not going to ask you a lot of questions. He's only going to ask you one question, Did you LOVE enough?" - Paulo Coelho on Super Soul Sunday with Oprah Winfrey

I believe I did!

During my youth days, I was questioned, "Do you really believe that you can love someone without becoming intimate?" (meaning becoming an item, BGR - boy girl relationship.) I replied sincerely from the bottom of my heart, though I do not know how, "Yes, I believe!" Now, looking back, I recalled the many incidents when I felt LOVE for a male friend and how I expressed my LOVE without any expectations. Interestingly, many withdrew themselves and stayed away. I used to think that I must be very unattractive and not smart enough to befriend them.

Now, I wonder, could it be that they were uncomfortable to receive LOVE?

I'm a very simple Lover. When I LOVE Maths, I spent hours and days working on 10 years series. When I LOVE Volleyball Games, I spent hours and days practicing despite the blue-black on my arms. When I LOVE people, I pour my heart out without any reservations. And time and again, I was told and taught that my LOVE is wrong. I don't understand. I was lost for a long while. And I lost myself in the process of learning how to LOVE like how others did.

Motherhood is the most beautiful gift to reawaken our memories on LOVE! I said reawaken because all of us are born knowing what LOVE is. Yet, over time, we are told and taught a very different kind of love - one that's conditional upon how we behave. And a Mother will do whatever it takes to protect her child! Even when the world deems that the Mother has "misbehaved". It was this energy of LOVE that brought me back to Who I Really Am! I'm a very simple Lover!

When I LOVE, I pour my heart out without any reservations.

Yes, I did love enough.

I love...


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