Thursday, July 10, 2014

Making Love Out Of Nothing At All

Just when I thought I have learned all that I need to know about LOVE these past 7 years, and it's time for me to move on to ABUNDANCE, the reality of Universal Truth whacks the hell out of me again! OK, You win! :-D

It sends me straight back to basic one more time... Yes, for those of you who have been traveling on the path of evolution (or spirituality if you prefer to call it), you will fully empathize with what I'm saying here. The basic fundamental truth of the Universe is LOVE! How does one make love out of nothing at all? The song by Air Supply played vigorously in my ears, seemingly attempting to jerk me out of my self-constructed fortress. The voices in my head said righteously, "You have done all that you could!", "There is nothing more you could do now!", "Go, there's on more love here!", "Love yourself first!", and they just got louder and louder.

Thanks to a dear friend who spoke with so much love and thanks to a sharing on Facebook (besides Google, Facebook is the next awesome creation!), I see light again!

"How I stand in the world, does not change overnight.
The roots of the family tree go deep, and I must dig to see the light."
- by Tom Kaypacha Lescher

After spending much quiet time connecting with my inner self, the balance was restored and peace returns. I choose LOVE. How does one make love out of nothing at all? Because...

I Am Love and I Love!

What is love?
Love is not a feeling
Because a feeling comes and goes
Love is not an action
Because an action can be carried out without love
Love is not a word
Because word can be manipulative
So what is love?

Love is a quality
Extends from within
From one heart to another
Expressing care, kindness and compassion
Through a word, an act or a feeling
Hence one must harness the quality of love
Within one's heart before one truly comprehend
The meaning of...
I Love You!
- Gladys 8/3/2014 "What is Love?"

Breathe Well, Live Well! 

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