If there is truly no time and space, then all forms of activities and events shall collapse and happen simultaneously. The past, the present and the future are all happening now. Our conscious mind can only comprehend one thing at a time. I can either feel my hand holding a piece of cloth or feel the smoothness of the cloth, but not both at the same time. I can only live my past or my present or my future now, but not all at the same time, though they are all happening at the same moment.
This is a very difficult concept. I did not get it until I saw a movie called "Cube" that illustrated this concept clearly. Though I need to warn you that the movie is very gruesome, so if you intend to watch it, please be prepared.
When time collapses, what will happen in the future is not as important anymore. The future is happening anyway at the same moment. What left is the present moment that I am in. I am only alive in the present moment, hence, I live for now.
Life becomes so simple when we focus on living the present moment!
This brings me to the next concept of "Choice". Only in the present moment, do we have a choice. Whatever choice we make, it shall impact the future. Hence, the only way to change the future is to change NOW. Many people wish that their future will be different, however, they are not willing to change now. They say things like, "Once I am rich, I will be happy!", "Once I meet the guy I love, I will share my love.", "Once I leave this marriage, I will have lesser problems.", etc. They are dependent on a future event to feel happy. Many a times, either the future never arrives or even if it happens, they will still not be happy as nothing has changed.
This Change is a fundamental realization of life! It is more than just an action, a change of clothes, a removal of some obstacles or an acquiring of world's wealth. It is an awakening of the eternal Self in a present moment without time and space!
I live my life one moment by one moment.
Love & Light
Gladys Lee
Breathworker/Intuitive Coach
Breathe Well, Live Well!